Monday 30 March 2015

Feedback on Michaela Karasová’s essay: ‘’Lie As a Lifesaver’’

Warda Zaabat
Elective: Censorship
Wordcount: 385
Ksenia Robbe
BA, International Studies

Feedback on Michaela Karasová’s essay: ‘’Lie As a Lifesaver’’

     At first sight it is visible that the essay is structured correctly. As in the introduction the writer, Michaela Karasová, introduced the subject of the film by providing a short analysis, questioning why people lie and how, despite the negative connotations, it can be justified as an act of goodwill. Furthermore, Michaela argues that elements of ‘mutual suppression’ are present throughout the whole movie. Firstly, Alexander’s efforts to recreate history to prevent his mother from any shocks that could lead to a fatal heart attack, and secondly, Christiane’s lie about the departure of her husband.
     The writer provides a clear historical explanation for the situation presented in the movie. Moreover, while illustrating events in the film, Michaela also explains how this particularly contributed to the construction of their ‘imaginary world’. For instance, when discussing Christiane’s recovery of her mental breakdown she starts believing in her own lies. Telling not only herself but also her children that their father has left them in order to be with another woman.
     While Michaela argues that the start of the development of the ‘imaginary world’ for Christiane culminated when she wanted to watch television, I would disagree. The construction of the false truth started immediately in the hospital room when Christiane gained consciousness, as Alexander and Ariane deliberately withheld the truth and assigned their mother’s collapse to other non-political factors. Additionally, they refurnished their house back to the pre-unification state in order to deceive Christiane more easily in believing their constructed reality. Hence the basis of the ‘imaginary world’ was laid and the climaxing point of the ‘imaginary world’ by Alex started when Christiane gained her strength to walk and look outside the window and wander outside. As this was the cause that led Alexander to broadcast news footages with false explanations for the events Christiane witnessed. 

     Finally, the writer concludes that indeed censorship was present in the movie in a positive way. But who can determine whether and when censor is acceptable? Why do we accept certain deceptions? Michaela could have answered this more concretely. Furthermore, Alexander’s mother did not pass away without knowing the truth as Lara confessed the truth hours before Christiane’s death. The serene decease of Christiane was the result of the truth not the lie. Because through the confession of Lara, Christiane learned Alexander’s love for his mother was unconditional.

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